Approved Style Blogs
I can’t cover everything here at RMRS — fortunately, there are other quality bloggers out there. These are the blogs I enjoy reading. We all have different opinions, of course, so some of them may recommend things that I wouldn’t, but no one on this list is going to steer you down the path of making a lethal fashion mistake – is there such a thing:)?
Check them out — it’s always smart to get multiple perspectives. After all, I don’t want everyone to dress like I do…
The Aspiring Gentleman – A very wide-ranging blog on all things traditionally “manly” from my friend Luke. His focus is on whiskey, cigars, and food, with some side trips into style and culture as well.
The Butt Therapist – “Denim devoted debauchery” is the tagline and the summary — everything denim, all the time. Product reviews, fitting and size questions, and some good vintage-hunting tips. A great blog for jean-wearers!
Clothes on Film – Exactly what it sounds like! Analysis of style from movies, classic and contemporary, from my friend Chris over in the United Kingdom. I really like his coverage of James Bond and some of the classic black-and-white films for male readers. For more info you can check out our Clothes on Film review here at RMRS if you want.
Dappered – All men’s style, all the time. Joe and the team at take a lot of time and care to scour the web for amazing deals on menswear. Throughout the site you’ll find links to classic clothes for a lot less than you’d expect to pay at top retailers. He also has a great section in “ask a woman”! For more info you can see our review of Dappered here on RMRS.
Effortless Gent – A great blog on traditional styles and wardrobe-building run by my friend Barron Cuadro. He writes a lot for younger men specifically, helping out guys who are just getting out of college or getting started in life. We’ve interviewed him here on Real Men Real Style as well.
Gentleman’s Gazette – My friend Rafael’s blog has a very European perspective on men’s style. All things gentlemanly — clothes, shoes, drinks and more. A very high-end focus on some of the finer points of men’s life.
George Hahn– George writes about the good life for men, from fashion to phone apps to charities and trade shows. He also does a fantastic podcast, and has done interviews and guest posts here on RMRS more than once. One of the best sites for life-loving men out there.
The Lisbon Tailor – Very photo-driven blog with a keen eye for unique styles. As the name might suggest it’s based in Lisbon, so you’ll see all sorts of European styles here. Very frequent posts, sometimes just a single photo but always worth a look.
Magnificent Bastard – Dack and his crew run a Q&A-based blog with an enjoyably irreverent approach to style. If you find most fashion blogs to be a bit on the stuffy side you’ll enjoy Magnificent Bastard.
Man and His Razor – My friend Brian’s blog. Relatively new on the scene, it’s already got a good collection of shaving-specific articles, as the name suggests.
Men’s Flair – A few different columnists with their own takes on men’s fashion. Lots about accessories, outerwear, core wardrobe items, etc.
Men’s Style Pro – Each post is both a general look (like “denim jackets”) and then a review/recommendation within that category. Very useful if you know what you’re generally interested in but haven’t found the right brand or model yet. Always excellent photographs, and they always link you right to the external sites you need.
Off the Cuff – Chris Hogan from Washington D.C.’s blog. A lot of product/brand-specific articles and reviews, as well as some longer, general style articles. Very detailed takes on all the products they look at.
Perfect Gentleman – Mxolisi Ngonelo , a South African gentleman’s personal take on traditional menswear. Very personable and casual writing; lots of fun to follow.
Permanent Style – Simon Crompton, a London blogger with a definite English focus. Lots of good, upscale menswear recommendations and examples here. He’s very clear and to the point in all his writing, which focuses fairly heavily on bespoke tailoring.
Primer Magazine – “A guy’s post-college guide to growing up,” specifically targeted at 20-something men, from my friend Andy. They tend to highlight some more affordable sources of good menswear, which is nice for men of any age. Grant Harris of Image Granted is their new style correspondent, and another friend of ours here at RMRS!
Street Etiquette – Contemporary, urban style blog with lots of good images and content from my friends Josh and Travis in Brooklyn. Definitely a valuable site for people venturing beyond suit-and-tie styles.
Style Girlfriend – A lady’s take on men’s style from my friend Megan. Very useful outside perspective! She’s also a Wisconsin native transported to New York, which gives her another unique outsider’s view. We’ve had her here on RMRS as a guest poster.
Suitable Wardrobe – Shorter posts on very specific menswear and men’s fashion topics from Will in San Fransisco. Very regular and frequent updates.
The Gentleman’s Standard – Glen Palmer from Detroit brings us another one with good, regular updates. From a black man’s perspective, with lots of posts specifically addressing style issues for black men.
The Houndstooth Kid – My buddy Will from Iowa, a dedicated vintage fashion blogger focused on styles from the 1930s-1950s and their uses (and descendants) today. He writes well about thrifting and finding quality vintage clothing.
The Modern Gentleman – A general men’s style blog from my friend Steve “the Mitchelli.” We like their glossary of terms, many of which come with images/illustrations.
Sharpologist – I’ve met up with Mark in Milwaukee (although he now lives in Texas) and he’s a great guy with a strong knowledge of everything that has to do with shaving. Safety razors, straight edges, getting the perfect lather on your brush – he covers it all in both video and text format. Great website – even better guy!
The Undershirt Guy – Guess what his blog specializes in? More kinds of undershirts than you ever knew existed, and the inside scoop on each from Tug. I don’t know of anyone else who has his focus on this particular topic.