Gentlemen, it’s time to have a serious talk.
How often have women simply not given you the time of day?
Why don’t they ever give you can call back or follow on a second date?
There are things women instantly notice about men that have absolutely nothing to do with your personality, and it could be playing a bigger role than you think.
What are they, exactly? That’s the topic of today’s article. We’re going into those first impressions that make or break your attractiveness.
Click Here To Watch The Video – 11 Subtle Signals ALL Women Notice Before You Open Your Mouth
1. Social Acceptance
When it comes to things women notice, being socially accepted is a key factor. The reason I’ve listed it as number one is that I need to stress it as much as possible. You might be good-looking, you might dress well, you might have the best fragrance in the room… but do you have friends?
Say you walk into a bar with a group of your “bros.” You’re all having a good time. The conversation’s in full swing and they’re clearly enjoying your company. Believe it or not, people notice this – women, especially. They’ll look over and quickly deduce that you’re someone who is socially accepted – someone who is not a creep or a loner. Want to amplify this?
Go out with your female friends. You don’t need to hit on them, just take them out for an honest good time the way you would with your friends. Heck, do so with your sister.
When WOMEN approve of you, that only lends more weight to your social cred. We are creatures of association, after all – and when the ladies notice that members of their own gender are taking a shine to you, then it instantly makes you more interesting. If you take anything from this article, let it be this!
2. Silhouette
It’s an unfortunate fact that we can’t change our bodies right away. If we want to improve, we need to commit ourselves to a disciplined exercise regimen. However, even though you don’t have a Hollywood bod, there are still things you can do you negate the issue. And yes, you muscle heads should listen up too – you’re not exempt!
Remember the Style Pyramid? This is all about fit.
You need to strategically build up the parts of your body with clothing as your weapon.
A well-fitted sports jacket with a solid taper going down the torso will accentuate the shoulders and make you look more masculine.
A pocket square along with some classic peak lapels will build up the chest.
Are you looking for more of a street style? Fear not, there’s plenty you can do. Find yourself a leather jacket with texture on the shoulders. You can do this with a sports shirt as well, by seeking pockets and epaulets in order to draw eyes to all the best parts of you.
3. Open Body Language
Gents, I’ve touched on this before. Body language is one of those factors we’re often not aware of, but we need to be. How often do you cross your arms, keep a stern look, or put your hands in your pockets? This is called closed body language, and it’s a no-no.
Instead, make a habit of doing the opposite. Face the person, open up those arms! We don’t need to go through the extremes – you don’t need to flail and scream, but it’s a good rule of thumb to make yourself look as accessible as possible.
Always keep that in mind, and you’ll be that much closer to impressing the ladies.
4. Confident Swagger
The way you move around has a bigger impact than you think. This is a simple topic to address, so we’ll fly through it quickly.
If you stand against a wall and the back of your head doesn’t touch the wall, then you have Forward Head Posture (FHP). It’s common in a lot of guys, and there are a few exercises you can do to fix it.
Now, what about the way you walk? Do you slouch? Do you look down as you walk? You’re killing your chances, and when it comes to things women notice, this shows weakness.
Instead, you want to straighten your back and look forward at all times. You also want to sway your shoulders a bit from side to side. It sounds strange, but research actually shows that women find this VERY attractive on a man.
5. Excessive Fragrance
Yes, I’ve spoken at length about a signature scent and it’s importance, but I feel as though overemphasis might lead some of you to… take it too far. Too much fragrance can be just as bad as smelling terrible. Well, not AS bad… but you get the idea. Any overpowering odor is liable to turn someone off and send them running for the hills.
Nothing in excess is good… fragrance included.
Do yourself a favor and keep it moderate. Two, no more than three squirts should suffice.
6. Colors – Use Them
Colors aren’t just something to slap on because it looks cool. Like anything else, it’s a tool at your disposal – use it wisely. There are whole studies devoted to how color benefits men.
If you want to capitalize on things women notice first, then learn to manipulate contrast.
Men with high contrast (dark hair, light skin) should opt for similarly bold colors that stand out from each other.
Medium and low-contrast gents should go for clothing with more subdued colors in them.
You may not realize it, but it makes your overall look much more cohesive.

7. Badass Dress Shoes
The right pair of dress shoes can either make or break an outfit. If used effectively, they can also blend in or be the standout piece. So, how do you get started? Well, since we’re talking about things women notice rather than looking the part at a business meeting, we’re going to focus more so on the casual shoes.

If you want to step up the badass factor, then I recommend dress boots. Even here, there are hundreds – if not thousands – of options to choose from. You can’t go wrong with a pair of sleek, dark brown Chelsea boots though. heck, you can even get away with wearing them in more casual suits. It doesn’t end there, though! I have plenty of articles that go more in-depth when it comes to dress shoes and dress boots.
8. Men’s Accessories – Enter The Watch
I love timepieces, they’re addictive. Why have I stressed men’s watches as such a crucial part of the overall look? It’s because watches are about as timeless as style can get. When you consider the fact that they’ve been around since the 1500s, you know men love them for a reason. A stylish watch (and they come in tons of styles) convey a potent message of power, authority, and trust. A man can be dressed casually, but if he’s sporting a quality watch, then there’s little doubt that he’s conscious of himself and his aesthetic.
I won’t pretend like I can do them justice in an article, much less a single section. What I can tell you that if a quartz watch might make a worthy entry to gentlemen simply dipping their toe in the water, so to speak. After that, you can graduate toward a mechanical movement.
9. Smile
Yes, it sounds cheesy – we’re told to smile for just about everything. It’s often as if people expect a smile to solve all their problems. Well, I got news for you. If you want to attract the eye of a worthy woman, then mastering the art of the smile is the way to go. A man with a killer outfit and a seductive smile is bound to catch someone in a conversation!
The smile is among the most potent tools in a man’s arsenal – use it well.
The key here is not to go into Joker-mode and look like a psychopath. Instead, experts recommend something called “smising.” it essentially means smiling with your eyes. When you do this correctly, you’ll feel the cheek muscles pushing up toward the eyes, hence the name. Keep this in mind, and you’ll knock them out every time.
10. Eye Contact
If you’re looking to keep a woman’s attention, it’s only fair that you look like she’s keeping yours. This means to look her directly in the eyes when she’s speaking to you. Not only does this let her know she has your undivided attention, it creates a subtle and acceptable intimacy that will go a long way.
11. Height
“Antonio, I’m short – I can’t do anything about it.” Yes, I hear you. It sucks, but studies show that taller men generally make a stronger first impression with the ladies. However, you’re in luck! The same studies show that the effect dissipates over time, leaving the other qualities for stronger consideration.
But what can you do about it RIGHT NOW? As always, style is your weapon. First, you need to make sure your clothes fit you well (a basic rule for everything). Next, you need to place emphasis on your upper body. This means focusing your accessory placement toward the upper body – we’re talking watches, bracelets, pocket squares, and tie pins. Finally, wear monochromatic colors and vertical patterns that help to keep the body looking streamlined.
Summary – Things Women Notice
- Social Standing
- Silhouette
- Body Language
- Swagger
- Excessive Fragrance
- Color
- Shoes
- Bling
- Smile
- Eye Contact
- Height
At the end of the day, women are just like us. They’re on the lookout for potential mates as much as we are, even if we like to think their methods differ. With these easy tips, you have the knowledge you need to get them to your table no matter what! Remember that as always, practice makes perfect. Get out there, gentlemen!